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Disk failures in the real world: What does an MTTF of 1,000,000 hours mean to you?
by Bianca Schroeder, Garth A. Gibson
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#1 posted on Jan 28 2011, 10:04
3 most important things of the paper are:
1. Analysis of data is done with real time replacements of disks in clusters containing high performance computing devices.
2. Conclusions made such as replacement doesn't depend upon the age of the disks or of the bad patch is very significant because it reveals that there are some other factors also that are affecting the replacement of disks.
3. Replacement rates of all the kind of drives are also almost equal that symbolizes that there is much less difference in the drive's type with respect to replacement of these disks.
Single most deficiency:
One cannot rely on these data because different systems has different performance as shown in a data from the field such as disks replacement varies from 1% to 13% in some cases. So, it all depends on many factors and not on some limited list of factors.
More factors should be taken into account and finally according to those factors a conclusion should be made that how these disks are being replaced.