Hierarchical Cooperation Achieves Linear Capacity Scaling in Ad Hoc Networks
by Ayfer Ozgur, Olivier Leveque, David Tse
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abstract: | n source and destination pairs randomly located
in a fixed area want to communicate with each other. It is
well known that classical multihop architectures that decode
and forward packets can deliver at most a pn-scaling of the
aggregate throughput. The performance is limited by the mutual
interference between communicating nodes. We show however
that a linear scaling of the capacity with n can in fact be achieved
by more intelligent node cooperation and distributed MIMO
communication. The key ingredient is a hierarchical and digital
architecture for nodal exchange of information for realizing the
cooperation. | url: | http://lthiwww.epfl.ch/~leveque/Publications/infocom_final4.pdf |
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