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How do I create a collection?

How do I create a reading list?

I'm an instructor, how do I create a reading list for my class?

After you register, click on the my collections link in the top menu and create new collection. Fill out the name and the description of your class and select Reading list with comment deadlines. Students who subscribe to this collection will be able to post comments to papers at any time, but comments submitted after the deadline will be marked after deadline. By default, all the comments will be visible after the deadline; if you want to postpone it, specify it in the form. We recommend to set a subscription password so that only students in your class can post and read the comments.

I'm a student, how do I post reviews to papers in my class?

You need to register, find the collection for your class (use the Browse: collections link in the top menu), and subscribe to it (you might need to use a password provided by the instructor). When you're subscribed, you can post comments and read comments submitted by other students. When you click on a paper from your class, you'll notice that it belongs to both the public collection as well as the collection for your class. To post a review for your class, make sure you switch to the right collection, click on add review, and post your comment. You can post comments at any time, but you can only edit them before the deadline. Your review will become visible to other students in this class some time after the deadline as specified by the instructor.