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Where is the Debugger for my Software-Defined Network?
Nikhil Handigol
Abstractions for Network Update
Mark Reitblatt
On Consistent Updates in Software Defined Networks
Ratul Mahajan
Optimum power/performance pipeline depth
Allan Hartstein, Thomas R. Puzak
Hedera: Dynamic Flow Scheduling for Data Center Networks
Amin Vahdat, Nelson Huang, Barath Raghavan, Sivasankar Radhakrishnan, Mohammaed Al Fares
Network Virtualization in Multi-tenant Datacenters
and others , Teemu Koponen
Can the Production Network Be the Testbed?
Rob Sherwood, and others
Aster*x: Load-Balancing as a Network Primitive

Composing Software-Defined Networks

VeriFlow: Verifying Network-Wide Invariants in Real Time
Ahmed Khurshid