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A Comparison of Overlay Routing and Multihoming Route Control
by Aditya Akella, Jeff Pang, Anees Shaikh, Srinivasan Seshan, Bruce Maggs
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#1 posted on Sep 12 2008, 01:16 in collection UW-Madison CS 740: Advanced Computer Networking -- Spring 2012
The differences in overlay routing and BGP routing can be attributed to differences in their route availability and route selection schemes. Overlay routing is attractive due to its property of allowing end points to specify a set of intermediate hops. This gives end hosts more control over which paths their packets take. This is an advantage over the policy-driven routing done by BGP where end hosts are constrained to the number of ISP connections it has. I really enjoyed the layout of section 5. Using varying values of k in reference to multihoming and overlays really illuminated the tradeoffs and differences between the two techniques. A key point is that when more ISP’s are used in conjunction with overlay routing, overlay routing selects a high fraction of direct BGP paths. These marginal benefits over multihoming alone emphasizes that it is not totally necessary to go around BGP routing to achieve good end-to-end performance.