CMU 15-744: Computer Networks -- Spring 08 (Vijay Vasudevan)Xi's collection (Xi Liu)
Food For Thought: CMU Systems Reading Group (Vijay Vasudevan)
UW-Madison CS 740: Advanced Computer Networking -- Spring 2012 (Aditya Akella)
CMU 15-712: Advanced OS & Distributed Systems (Fall 2008) (Amar Phanishayee)
18739c: Special Topics in Software Security (David Brumley)
15744 Spring 2009 (vyas sekar)
CMU 18-741: Advanced Computer Architecture -- Spring 09 (Michael Papamichael)
UW-Madison CS 838: Rethinking the Internet Architecture - Fall 2009 (Aditya Akella)
CMU 15-744: Computer Networks -- Fall 09 (Srinivasan Seshan)
CMU 15-712: Advanced OS & Distributed Systems (Spring 2010) (Iulian Moraru)
CMU 15-744: Computer Networks -- Fall 10 (Xi Liu)
CMU 15740/18740 Computer Architecture Fall 2010 (Vivek Seshadri)
CMU 18-742: Parallel Computer Architecture -- Spring 11 (Chris Craik)
CMU 15-849: Hot Topics in Computer Networks -- Spring 11 (Srinivasan Seshan)
CMU 15-712: Advanced OS & Distributed Systems (Spring 2011) (Dongsu Han)
CMU 15-744: Computer Networks -- Fall 2011 (Bin Fan)
CMU 15-740/18-740: Computer Architecture -- Fall 11 (Yoongu Kim)
CMU 15-869: Graphics and Imaging Architectures -- Fall 2011 (Kayvon Fatahalian)
CMU 15-712: Advanced OS & Distributed Systems (Spring 2012) (Hyeontaek Lim)
bin's collection (Bin Fan)
CMU 15-744: Computer Networks -- Fall 2012 (David Naylor)
CMU 18-742: Parallel Computer Architecture -- Fall 2012 (HanBin Yoon)
CMU 15-712: Advanced OS & Distributed Systems (Spring 2013) (Hui Zhang)
CMU 18-740: Computer Architecture -- Fall 13 (Onur Mutlu)
SBU CS 690 Software Defined Networks Fall 2013 (vyas sekar)
CMU 15-869: Visual Computing Systems -- Fall 2013 (Kayvon Fatahalian)
CMU 15-712: Advanced OS & Distributed Systems (Fall 2013) (Dong Zhou)
INI 14-817/ECE 18-739E, Spring 2014: Network Security and Management (vyas sekar)
CMU 18-640 Foundations of Computer Architecture -- Spring 2014 (James Hoe)
ECE 18859K Fall 2014 (vyas sekar)
CMU 18-742: Research in Parallel Computer Architecture -- Fall 14 (Yixin Luo)
Test subscription (Elie Krevat)
CMU 15-712: Advanced OS & Distributed Systems (Fall 2014) (15-712 Staff)
Donghyuk's collection (Donghyuk Lee)
CMU 18-847C: Parallel, Heterogeneous, and Emerging Architectures -- Spring 2015 (18-847C Staff)
ECE 18731 (vyas sekar)
CMU 15-712: Advanced OS & Distributed Systems (Fall 2015) (15-712 Staff)