CMU 18-742: Research in Parallel Computer Architecture -- Fall 14
Collection of Yixin Luo
18-742 is an advanced course that focuses on research in computer architecture.
Either 18-447 or 18-740 is a mandatory prerequisite for 18-742.
The major class content will be twofold:
1. Critical analysis and In-class presentation and discussion of research papers in computer architecture: Students will be expected to read and present recent as well as established research papers, critically review and analyze them in writing, as well as discuss them in class. Most of the class time will be dedicated to such presentations and discussions. We expect at least two presentations per week.
2. Semester-long research project: Students will be expected to propose and carry out a clearly-defined research project in computer architecture. The project is open-ended and has to be approved by the instructor. Project deliverables will consist of project proposal writeup, milestone presentations, a final project report and poster. Students are expected to conduct research projects that are potentially publishable.
No papers in this collection.