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Cramming more components onto integrated circuits
Gordon E. Moore
Instruction Sets and Beyond: Computers, Complexity, and Controversy
Robert P Colwell, Charles Y Hitchcock III, E Douglas Jensen, H M Brinkley Sprunt, Charles P Kollar
Preemptive Virtual Clock: A Flexible, Efficient, and Cost-effective QOS Scheme for Networks-on-a-Chip
Boris Grot, Stephen W Keckler, Onur Mutlu
The Microarchitecture of Superscalar Processors
James E Smith, Gurindar S Sohi
On pipelining dynamic instruction scheduling logic
Jared Stark, Mark D Brown, Yale N Patt
[talk] TRILL: Soul of a New Protocol
Radia Perlman
[talk] Exploiting WLAN Deployment Density: Fair WLAN Backhaul Aggregation
Alberto Toledo
[talk] ANTIDOTE: Understanding and Defending against the Poisoning of Anomaly Detectors
Nina Taft
[talk] M-Lab: open platform, open tools and open data for an open Internet
Tiziana Refice
Code Transformations to Improve Memory Parallelism
Vijay S Pai, Sarita Adve