All papers
How (and how not) to write a good systems paper R Levin, D D Redell |
Multiprocessors and Multicomputers (551-560) M D Hill, N P Jouppi, G S Sohi |
Dataflow and Multithreading (309-314) M D Hill, N P Jouppi, G S Sohi |
Amdahl's Law in the Multicore Era Mark D. Hill, Michael R. Marty |
Mitigating Amdahl's Law Through EPI Throttling Murali Annavaram, Ed Grochowski, John Shen |
Accelerating Critical Section Execution with Asymmetric Multi-Core Architectures M. Aater Suleman, Onur Mutlu, Moinuddin K. Qureshi, Yale N. Patt |
Core Fusion: Accommodating Software Diversity in Chip Multiprocessors Engin Ipek, Meyrem Kirman, Nevin Kirman, Jose F. Martinez |
The Cosmic Cube Charles L. Seitz |
VoCCN: Voice Over Content-Centric Networks J.D. Thornton, R.L. Braynard, V Jacobson, D. K. Smetters, N. H. Briggs, M. F. Plass, P. Stewart |
An End-to-End Approach to Host Mobility Alex Snoeren, Hari Balakrishnan |