All papers
A Trace-Driven Analysis of the UNIX 4.2 BSD File System John K. Ousterhout, Hervé Da Costa, David Harrison, John A. Kunze, Mike Kupfer, James G. Thompson |
Measurements of a Distributed File System Mary G. Baker, John H. Hartman, Michael D. Kupfer, Ken W. Shirriff, John K. Ousterhout |
A File is Not a File: Understanding the I/O Behavior of Apple Desktop Applications Tyler Harter, Chris Dragga, Michael Vaughn, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau |
Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System James J. Kistler, M. Satyanarayanan |
The UNIX Time-Sharing System D. M. Ritchie, K. Thompson |
The Rise of ``Worse is Better'' Richard Gabriel |
Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server Carl A. Waldspurger |
Xen and the Art of Virtualization Paul Barham, Boris Dragovic, Keir Fraser, Steven H, Tim Harris, Alex Ho, Rolf Neugebauer, Ian Pratt, Andrew Warfield |
The Akamai Network: A Platform for High-Performance Internet Applications Erik Nygren, Ramesh K. Sitaraman, Jennifer Sun |
Mesos: A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center Benjamin Hindman, Ion Stoica, Andy Konwinski, Matei Zaharia, Ali Ghodsi, Scott Shenker, Anthony D. Joseph, Randy Katz |