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DNS Performance and the Effectiveness of Caching Jaeyeon Jung, Emil Sit, Hari Balakrishnan, Robert Morris |
Democratizing Content Publication with Coral Michael J. Freedman, Eric Freudenthal, David Mazieres |
Hierarchical Cooperation Achieves Linear Capacity Scaling in Ad Hoc Networks Ayfer Ozgur, Olivier Leveque, David Tse |
Coding and Signal Processing for MIMO Communications - A Primer Inaki Berenguer, Xiaodong Wang |
Middleboxes No Longer Considered Harmful Michael Walfish, Jeremy Stribling, Hari Balakrishnan, Maxwell N. Krohn, Scott Shenker, Robert Morris |
Internet Indirection Infrastructure Ion Stoica, Daniel Adkins, Shelley Zhuang, Scott Shenker, Sonesh Surana |
Consensus Routing: The Internet as a Distributed System John P. John, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Thomas Anderson, Arun Venkataramani |
Remus: High Availability via Asynchronous Virtual Machine Replication Brendan Cully, Geoffrey Lefebvre, Dutch Meyer, Mike Feeley, Norm Hutchinson, Andrew Warfield |
Strategies for Sound Internet Measurement Vern Paxson |
Ecolocation: A Sequence Based Technique for RF Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Kiran Yedavalli, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Sharmila Ravula, Bhaskar Srinivasan |