Separating data and control transfer in distributed operating systems
by Chandramohan A. Thekkath, Henry M. Levy, Edward D. Lazowska
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number: | 11 | annote: | Ramohan A. Thekkath (Department of Computer Science and Engineering; University of Washington; Seattle , WA 98195); Chandramohan A. Thekkath (Department of Computer Science and Engineering , FR-35; University of Washington; Seattle , WA 98195); Henry M. Levy (Department of Computer Science and Engineering | publisher: | ACM SIGARCH/SIGOPS/SIGPLAN | year: | 1994 | pages: | 2--11 | institution: | University of Washington, Department of Computer Science and Engineering | booktitle: | Sixth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems | organization: | ACM SIGARCH, SIGOPS, SIGPLAN, and the IEEE Computer Society | abstract: | Advances in processor architecture and technology have resulted in workstations in the 100+ MIPS range. As well, newer local-area networks such as ATM promise a ten- to hundred-fold increase in throughput, much reduced latency, greater scalability, and greatly increased reliability, when compared to current LANs such as Ethernet. We believe that these new network and processor technologies will permit tighter coupling of distributed systems at the hardware level, and that distributed systems software should be designed to benefit from that tighter coupling. In this paper, we propose an alternative way of structuring distributed systems that takes advantage of a communication model based on remote network access (reads and writes) to protected memory segments. A key feature of the new structure, directly supported by the communication model, is the separation of data transfer and control transfer. This is in contrast to the structure of traditional distributed systems, which are typical... | month: | oct | series: | ACM SIGPLAN Notices | address: | San Jose, California | volume: | 29 | type: | misc | journal: | ACM SIG{\-}PLAN Notices |
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