All papers
Implementing Precise Interrupts in Pipelined Processors Smith, Plezskun |
Increasing Processor Performance by Implementing Deeper Pipelines Sprangle, Carmean |
An Efficient Algorithm for Exploiting Multiple Arithmetic Units Tomasulo |
The Microarchitecture of Superscalar Processors Smith, Sohi |
The Design and Analysis of a Cache Architecture for Texture Mapping Ziyad S. Hakura, Anoop Gupta |
Prefetching in a Texture Cache Architecture Homan Igehy, Matthew Eldridge, Kekoa Proudfoot |
Bitmap Algorithms for Counting Active Flows on High Speed Links Cristian Estan, George Varghese, Mike Fisk |
Runahead Execution: An Alternative to Very Large Instruction Windows for Out-of-order Processors Onur Mutlu, Jared Stark, Chris Wilkerson, Yale Patt |
Efficient Runahead Execution: Power-efficient Memory Latency Tolerance Onur Mutlu, Hyesoon Kim, Yale Patt |
Memory dependence prediction using store sets George Z. Chrysos, Joel S. Emer |